Sunday 27 March 2011

Hayden O'Connor Interview

So Hayden when did you first lay hands on a scooter?
I first lay'd hands on a scooter when i was about 5 but that was just riding around in circles, that went on for a year and the scooter got trashed.... so yea. i started doing tricks when i was at the skatepark on a skateboard in october, 2007 and i decided to try to a jump and had heaps of fun on just that single jump so i decided hey why not give it a go, so from that day Ive just been riding scooters and enjoying every minute.

Who is your motivation?
All my friends, we just have alot of fun riding together and it gets me up on the weekends ready to ride.

List the 5 best riders in the world accourding to you:
not in any order: John Radtke, BenJ Friant, Coedie Donovan, Matt Mckeen, Brandon Kilbury

list the 5 best riders in australia accourding to you:
Not in any order: Adam Bolton, Better known as Ladam, Brendon Smith, Coedie Donovan Ryan Williams, Jackson Manzie

In your opinion what is the most under and over rated tricks?

Over Rated: Back flips Inward Bris
Under Rated: Foot jam Combos Whip to fsf/fs Oppo Tricks

So are you sponsored currently?
Yes, PimpMyCloset, its a clothing store in ipswitch:
And DoggScooters, A well known company that sponsors riders like Graham Kimbell and Terry Price.
They are located in the UK and the Carter family owns the company.

 And Mgp

Do you think YOU give scooters a good name?

Uhmm, i try as hard as i can to give the sport a good name.

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